Monday, September 27, 2010

The Beach

I work at the Beach.
No, not that sandy beach silly!
Cal State Long Beach....the only California State University campus that has the name "beach" in its name.
This is the Administration building which is right down the hill from where I work.
You can barely see the pyramid peeking out in the background. The pyramid contains the healthclub, convention center, and sports arena. Chances are you have seen the pyramid in a few movies and commercials.
To the left of this walkway is the student union and I guess the sculpture I was trying to shoot didn't turn out so good. It reminds me of steel sails.And goodness knows what these pieces are. I thought they were interesting though.
There's more to see at the beach so stay tuned.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Don't get near me or I will bite you.