Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Bored at Work.....And a Little Rant

So, here I am sitting a work bored out of my mind.
Sometimes it just bees that way I guess.
I know that's not proper English but I'm not feeling very proper this morning and here is why:

I work at California State University, Long Beach and have been here on campus for 17+ years.
It galls me that the CSU trustees can find it appropriate to give 2 of their new campus presidents 10% raises when we the peons, who actually do all the dirty work,  haven't seen a raise in over 4 years and were even put on furloughs for a year and had our pay decreased by 10.7% for that year.

We are now faced with hiring freezes, turning students away for the Spring 13 term and possibly the Fall 13 term and layoffs.

So my question becomes this......What the hell is going on with the State of California?
It used to be the "Golden State" and now????

I'd better go back to work now before I get myself into trouble.