Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Tale of the "Ugly Shirt"

Tyler once received a shirt that he sent to Limo Man for a special occasion.
It was one of the ugliest shirts we have ever seen. It was a corduroy button down putrid yellow with black.
We decided that we were going to send it back to Tyler and had his initials monogrammed on the cuff in black.
Some time after sending the shirt back to Tyler we got it back minus a few of the monogrammed initials with some special white lace around the cuffs and the pocket.
We decided to make a little game of embellishing the shirt with our own idea of "how trashy can you get" and the ugly shirt game started. IT WAS ON!!
We have been adding some of the most bizarre and ugly things on the shirt and it's been passed back and forth between Tyler and his lovely wife Marjean and Limo Man and myself.
Thus the tale of the "unopened box" or EUBIE for short.
Are you people still confused?
Well if we ever decide to open the box maybe we'll post a picture of it.
I said MAYBE....

1 comment:

Dean said...

Got a picture if the ugly shirt...ps greetings from Ecuador!