Monday, July 20, 2009

The Race for Mace and a Day at Sea

The sunset on the second night of the cruise was at 10:47pm. Limo Man had a hell of a time sleeping on our journey. Me, not so much of a problem....
We saw all kinds of beautiful waterfalls jutting out of the blue. This is on the way into the inside passage.
The ship actually went through this passage. It looks tiny. Oh, and it was!
What a cute cute smile!
Here's Limo Man out on the balcony with the basket.
On Saturday, June 13th (which was my birthday) Limo Man drove for the Race for Mace. Macy Walker is an adorable little girl who is challenged with Rhett's Syndrome. Her family has the Race for Mace every June to raise money for research for the disease. Limo Man donated his pay for that day to the cause and the Walker's surprised us on our first day of the cruise with a beautiful fruit basket (which included a really nice bottle of wine!), and cheese and crackers. Then later that evening when we went to dinner the waiter surprised us with 4 free drink coupons from the Walker's as well. We took the pictures of the fruit basket and the t-shirt that Bruce got at the event so that we could send them to the Walkers to thank them for their kindness. There's just one catch though, we can't find their address. Hmmmmm....I'll have to get on that so that they know just how much we appreciated their kindness!

1 comment:

The Rath Family said...

Beautiful! Love the waterfall! How peaceful it must have been on the water!